Agenda item

Orbis Programme Update

Report by the Chief Operating Officer and the Orbis Programme Manager


27.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer which provided a progress update in relation to the Orbis Partnership.


27.2     The Chief Operating Officer introduced Adrian Stockbridge to the Committee who is the Orbis Programme Manager. The Orbis Programme Manager introduced the report which addresses the key areas of the implementation of the Orbis programme. With regard to Brighton and Hove City Council (BHCC) joining the Orbis Partnership, a report will be going to the BHCC Policy, Resources and Growth Committee on 13 October 2016 to recommend that BHCC join the Partnership following the completion of the due diligence process. BHCC will join as a founding partner and discussions with them have been on this basis.


27.3     The Committee asked for more detailed information on the additional savings proposals. The Chief Operating Officer outlined that the department had carried out a rating of the current savings proposals and are assessing further savings requirements from each partner as part of RPPR process. This is in response to Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) planning process and RPPR process of the respective partners. The work has examined ‘managed on behalf of’ (MoBo) budgets as well as joint budgets. An indication of areas of search for further savings will be presented to Cabinet as part of the RPPR report.


27.4     The Chair indicated that the Committee would have preferred to have had a discussion about the areas of search, prior to them being presented to Cabinet. The Chief Operating Officer explained that Cabinet report will have financial details of possible additional savings. Achieving additional savings is difficult and challenging and it is more likely savings can be made in ‘managed on behalf of’ budgets (such as Facilities Management type budgets) than making significant savings in the costs of Orbis. The department can give clarity on the savings for ESCC that will be delivered as part of the Partnership.


27.5     The Committee asked for an updated chart of savings (shown in appendix 1 of the report) to reconcile the figures with those in the business plan and for further information on how they affected the various ESCC services. The Committee also asked for an update to be provided on the Procurement Service savings.


27.6     The Committee noted that the payback period for the investment in Orbis is 2018/19 and indicated that the RPPR Board will want to know if this has changed to be sure of the return on the investment in service changes.



Scrutiny Of Orbis


27.7     The Chair sought the views of the Committee on the options for the scrutiny of Orbis presented in the report. The Committee supported option 2, where the scrutiny work of the East Sussex County Council,  Audit Best Value and Community Services Scrutiny Committee and Surrey County Council’s, Council Overview Board are co-ordinated so that the same topics and reports are prioritised by agreement between the Chairs for consideration at each authority’s scrutiny body. The Committee also suggested the addition of an annual meeting for the members of the two bodies to meet and discuss issues of common interest.


27.8     RESOLVED to (1) note the report and its appendices to review progress in delivering the Orbis Business Plan;

(2) request further information on the savings plans for Orbis as detailed in minutes 27.4, 27.5 and 27.6 above; and

(3) recommend that future scrutiny of the Orbis programme should be by way of option 2, outlined in the report, plus an annual meeting of representatives of the two committees.



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