Agenda item

Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources (RPPR)

Report by the Chief Executive


21.1     The Director of Children’s Services, Stuart Gallimore, introduced the report by providing an overview of the context of the current RPPR process.


21.2       The Committee then discussed the areas of search before them and reiterated their request that written responses be provided to the items raised at its meeting in September.  These items are listed below, together with any further requests raised at the November meeting of the Committee: 

·        Revenue Budget.  The Committee asked for more detailed information about progress with Children’s Services review of all its costs across the department (which it is undertaking in response to a projected overspend for the year of approximately £4million);

·        Mental Health and Young People. More detail was requested about the impact of the savings plan on the provision of services relating to Mental Health and Young People. In particular the Committee asked about progress with the integration of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHs) with the local Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs).

·        Children’s Centres.    Further clarification was requested about the impact of the savings plan on Children’s Centres. In particular, the Committee asked for more information about the extent of the integration between Children’s and Health Services and whether more could be done to maximize this collaboration.

·        Troubled Families.   More detail was requested about the impact of the savings plan on the delivery of services for Troubled Families.   In particular, the Committee noted the Department’s comments about the scope for making further improvements for the 0-5 age group within this service area and the Early Help service.   The Committee therefore asked for further information from the Department regarding its plans for this age group in relation to these two services.   

·        Looked After Children.   The Committee were concerned about the reference under the Impact Assessment column for this service which indicates that the proposed reduction in staffing levels will mean there is an increased risk of young people being subjected to Child Sexual Exploitation.    Further clarification was therefore sought from the Department about this proposed area of savings and their potential impact.

·        Inclusion, Special Educational Needs and Disability (ISEND). Further clarification was sought regarding the increased costs the ISEND service is experiencing.  The Committee were specifically interested in:


o   whether more could be done to manage public expectations about the level of special educational needs support available; and

o   delays in converting statements to Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) and the additional costs this may incur.

o   In addition to this, and following the discussion about the overspend for the ISEND budget, the Committee requested that a report be brought to its March meeting setting out in more detail the reasons behind the high level of demand the ISEND service is experiencing.


21.3     The Committee also discussed a number of other issues.  A summary of these issues, together with responses from officers are set out below:


·        Troubled Families.    The Committee were informed that a total of 1,382 families had been engaged by the Troubled Families service, with 505 ‘payment by results’ agreed by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).   It was explained that ‘payment by results’ refers to a scheme whereby local authorities can claim funding from the DCLG when it can be shown an intervention by the local authority has resulted in pre-determined positive outcomes for the family which received assistance.   In response to a request for clarification about how positive outcomes are assessed, the Committee were informed that the Department have an outcomes framework which identifies the improvements a family need to make to enable a claim to be made by the authority.   It was also clarified that for some outcomes evidence is needed to show that the outcomes are sustained over a given period of time e.g school attendance levels.

·        Music Service.  It was clarified to the Committee that it is legitimate for schools to use the pupil premium to part-fund music lessons for children on free school meals. 

·        Home to School Transport.     In response to a query, it was clarified that the Department continues to monitor the impact of the savings already made to this budget.   Furthermore, the Committee were informed that the Department is reviewing transport arrangements for children that are transported to school because they cannot walk safely to school. This review includes, for example, considering whether footpaths and bridleways could be used in some areas as safe home to school walking routes.

·        Locality services.   A question was raised as to whether staff in the Early Help hub would have the relevant experience and knowledge to effectively redirect families.   In response, the Department confirmed that staff are provided with training and support to ensure that all families are provided with appropriate advice and guidance.


21.4     RESOLVED to:


1) to request that the additional information requested at the September meeting, together with the further requests outlined above in paragraph 21.2, be provided to the Committee for the RPPR Board meeting on 13 December 2016; and

2) that the work programme be amended to include reference to the Committee’s request that a report providing more detail about the reasons behind the high level of demand the ISEND service is experiencing be brought to its March 2017.


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