Agenda item

Police and Crime Commissioner’s Annual Report

Report by the Police and Crime Commissioner


The Police and Crime Panel is required to review the Commissioner’s annual

report. The Commissioner will outline the attached annual report which

provides an update on the performance against the priorities, objectives and

measures set out in the Police and Crime Plan for the period 1 April 2015 –

31 March 2016.


The Panel is asked to review, put questions to the Commissioner, and make

recommendations on the annual report if necessary. All recommendations

agreed by the Panel will be published in a report from the Chairman to the



Police and Crime Commissioner Annual Report


14.    The Panel considered the Commissioner’s Annual Report (copy appended to the signed version of the minutes) which provided an update of the Commissioner performance against the priorities, objectives and measures as set out in the Police and Crime Plan for the period 1 April 2015 – 31 March 2016. The report also provided information relating to the progress made by the Commissioner in 2015/16 across each of the four priority areas.

15.    The Commissioner introduced the report. She advised the Panel that priority areas had been identified, but would change as work went forward. She confirmed that, even though she had a reducing budget, she had allocated £280K to supporting local projects, and that the same level of funding had been allocated to support community safety partnerships across Sussex.


16.   The Commissioned explained that she was encouraging the increase in reporting of crime, and added that the establishment of an Elder’s Commission to hear the voice of older people had built on the success of the Youth Commission.


17.    The Chief Finance Officer took the Panel through the financial report, as set out in the appendices to the report. He advised on the areas of underspend and overspend as part of the budget, and highlighted key areas to the Panel.


18.    The Panel raised the following issues with the Commissioner:


·         The panel reiterated concerns regarding the changes to PCSOs in Sussex. The Commissioner advised that she has been listening to the Panel’s concerns and would ensure that the new arrangements were reviewed. She added that the model had not been charged since its implementation, and with the nature of crime changing, it was important to have a robust model.

·         Members of the Panel highlighted the importance of road safety. The Commissioner agreed with the Panel’s concerns regarding road safety, and advised that Sussex Police had a focus on this area, specifically anti-social driving, working alongside the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership.

·         The continued support of the Community Safety Partnerships was welcomed.

·         It was confirmed that Sussex Police would not be able to claim a rebate for policing undertaken as part of Operation Bowdell (Shoreham Air Show crash).

·         The Panel questions the joint working that was being undertaken with Surrey Police. The Commissioner explained that as part of the savings that she was required to find, more joint working would occur with Surrey which would achieve efficiencies.

·         The Commissioner assured the Panel that the Safer in Sussex Community Fund was audited all information was provided on the web.

·         The Panel questioned whether PCSOs were allowed to attend local town and parish meetings. The Commissioner explained that, as part of the new arrangements, PCSOs would not be able to attend all meetings, but that they could be invited to relevant meetings when necessary.


·         The Panel complemented a recent Sussex Police drug operation that had involved police dogs from Surrey Police.


·         The Panel reiterated the importance of evidence and measures in assessing changes to the policing model. The Commissioner ensured the Panel that a whole suite of measures would be considered for the Police and Crime Plan 2017-21, but explained that targets would not be used.


·         Members of the Panel raised concern over the use of new technology, due to network issues in the more rural areas of Sussex. The Commissioner explained that the emergency services used a separate mobile platform, and confirmed that all new staff were being trained in how to tackle cybercrime.


·         The Panel asked what was being done to improve the accessibility of the 101 telephone number. The Commissioner explained that they were constantly reviewing 101. She added that she was also looking to see what potential the police could make from S106 or CIL monies.


·         The Panel requested is a visit could be arranged to see the Resolution Centre. The Commissioner agreed to organise a visit for the Panel, subject to agreement with the Chief Constable.


·         Members of the Panel applauded the investment in body cameras and new technology, but questioned whether more statistics on response times could by included in future reports. The Commissioner agreed to look into whether a link to response times could be provided in future reports to the Panel.


·         The Panel asked whether the Commissioner was satisfied that there was a consistent level of support for the victims of hate crime, and whether the new hate crime app was appropriate for people with learning difficulties. The Commissioner explained that they were working to ensure a more consistent approach, and would examine the app in relation to its use by people with learning disabilities.


19.       The Chief Executive of OSPCC took the Panel through the Police and Crime Plan 2017/ 21. He advised that a reference group has been established to work on the plan, and that the Panel would have an update on the Plan at its September 2016 meeting, and a final draft in January 2017. He added that there was an invitation for the Panel to have its own Working Group. The current membership of the Panel was Mr Watson, Mr Simmons and Mr Nicholson.

20.        The Chairman requested that members of the Panel who would like to be on the Working Group volunteer after the meeting to officers of the host authority. Mr Wares (Brighton and Hove City Council) and Mr Knightingale volunteered.


21.       Resolved – That the Panel accepts the Commissioner’s Annual Report, and asks that the Commissioner works wit the Chief Constable to ensure that the local policing model does not lose sight of the local connection.


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