Agenda item

Property Policies Update

A report by the Chief Property Officer.


26.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer which provided an update to the suite of Property Policies with a focus on the changes that have been made to the Disposals Policy following a recommendation by the Lead Member for Resources.


26.2     The Committee commented that the report does not address a draft Meanwhile Use policy and how the SPACES programme fits into these policies. ESCC could be missing opportunities for income generation and the Disposal Policy does not clearly articulate that ESCC is not simply disposing of assets. The pledge outlined in paragraph 2.3 is not going to work unless it is set in a transparent and easy to understand policy framework, that gives confidence to community groups.


26.3     Councillor Keeley described how empty properties could be used for Meanwhile or Community use to address homelessness, housing, domestic violence refuges and other local needs. The Committee noted that Meanwhile Use could be applied to under-utilised assets, as well as those subject to disposal. It also asked how ESCC encourage Meanwhile Use in relation to the pledge in paragraph 2.3.


26.4     The Chief Operating Officer responded that our policies do allow for the Meanwhile Use of assets and the department will look at how Business Services does this to see if there is anything missing from our policies. The Council is entering into Meanwhile Use agreements for some of its assets, but may not have specifically referred to it as “Meanwhile Use”.


26.5     The Chief Operating Officer added that ESCC will use its assets for Community use where this aligns with the Council’s priorities and the needs of the County overall. At each meeting of the SPACES programme there is a discussion of the spaces vacant and the spaces needed.


26.6     The Committee asked a number of further questions about property disposals.


  • The Chief Operating Officer confirmed that the department does have list of empty properties that can be made available to the Committee. 


  • The Property Asset Management System (PAMS) has information about property utilisation, and ESCC may be holding some properties vacant due to the state of the property market.


  • Progress is monitored once the decision to dispose of a property has been taken. The department does have a monitoring system and Tina Glen will provide further information to the Committee.


  • The Property Team meet regularly to monitor surplus properties. There is a detailed process for declaring a property surplus, which includes informing the Local Member at an early stage. There is also a check made that the Local Member has been informed before a report goes to the Lead Member meeting.


26.7     The Committee requested the development of a more formal Meanwhile Use policy. The Committee also noted that property issues will be coming back to the Committee regarding the SPACES programme and an update on Property Asset Management System in due course.


26.8     RESOLVED to: (1) note the update to the suite of property policies;

(2) note that further reports on property issues will be presented to the Committee in due course; and

(3) request the development of a more formal Meanwhile Use policy.  



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