Committee details

Lead Member for Communities and Safety

Purpose of committee

Lead cabinet members are authorised by Cabinet to make certain decisions within their areas of special responsibility. They make these decisions at Individual Decision Making meetings attended by council officers. Other councillors may also attend.

The terms of reference for this meeting can be found in the Council’s Constitution.

The Lead Member for Communities and Safety has responsibility for:

·         Strategy and policy for all Communities and Community Safety matters

·         Principal service area responsibilities:

·         Archives and records

·         Community Safety

·         Coroner services

·         Customer Services

·         Emergency Planning

·         Gypsies and travellers

·         Libraries

·         Registration Services

·         Road Safety

·         Strategic Partnerships

·         Trading Standards

·         Voluntary Sector

·         all ancillary activities



Contact information

Support officer: Simon Bailey. Democratic Services Officer

Phone: 01273 481935
