Committee details

ESBT Strategic Commissioning Board

Purpose of committee

The East Sussex Better Together (ESBT) Strategic Commissioning Board (SCB) jointly undertakes responsibilities for addressing population health need and for commissioning health and social care in the 2017/18 test bed year of Accountable Care, through oversight of the 2017/18 Strategic Investment Plan (SIP).


Members of the public may submit written questions for the Board no later than five clear working days ahead of a meeting, stating the questioner’s name and address. Written answers will be circulated at the meeting. The questions and answers will not be read out but the Chair may at their discretion allow the questioner one supplementary question to clarify the answer given. Please submit your questions to the support officer below.


For more information, please visit the East Sussex Better Together website, or view the terms of reference [PDF] and procedure rules [PDF] of the SCB.


Meetings of this committee are webcast live.



Contact information

Support officer: Harvey Winder, Democratic Services Officer.

Phone: 01273 481796
