Issue - decisions

Business Advice & Support Partnership (BAASP)

30/10/2017 - Business Advice & Support Partnership (BAASP)

19.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport. 




19.2     RESOLVED to (1) endorse the entering into partnership with four other local authorities in order to offer a single branded business advice service in collaboration together;


(2) delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to enter all such agreements necessary to give effect to recommendation (1); and


(3) agree to the reduction of the hourly rate for a chargeable business advice from £72 + VAT to £70 + VAT to ensure fees are uniform across the partnership.




19.3     Whilst East Sussex Trading Standards could continue to act independently outside of the partnership, there are clear advantages of working collaboratively, very much focused on shared resources giving rise to shared benefits for the local authority partners and local businesses.  It is essential that the five authorities offer the same rate to enable most effective and clear marketing.


19.4     The Lead Member requested that the partnership be kept under constant review, and that the exercise of the delegation in terms of variations to the membership of the partnership be made in consultation with him.  The Lead Member also confirmed that he would be prepared to consider further reports on the chargeable rate, should the partnership determine that a higher rate was appropriate in the future.