Issue - decisions

Proposed pedestrian crossing in Belgrave Road, Seaford

31/07/2018 - Pedestrian crossing in Belgrave Road, Seaford

16.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


16.2     Mrs Elizabeth Weinberg, Secretary of Seaford and Blatchington Tennis Club and Mr Chris Davey, Headteacher of Seaford Primary School, spoke about the proposal.    




16.3     RESOLVED to (1) note the comments from the local consultation; and


(2) approve the proposal for the pedestrian crossing in Belgrave Road as set out in the report to be taken forward to construction as part of the 2018/19 capital programme for local transport improvements.




16.4     There are currently no dedicated pedestrian crossing facilities in Belgrave Road, and the County Council has received request for such a facility to be introduced which have been considered through the scheme prioritisation process.  Survey and design work has identified the most appropriate location for a zebra crossing to be introduced on Belgrave Road is between the junctions with Kingsmead and Wilkinson Way.  The local consultation identified both support for the scheme and objections.


16.5     It is acknowledged that the loss of seven parking spaces will have some impact locally it is considered that these are outweighed by the road safety and accessibility improvements the crossing will bring to the local community.