Issue - decisions

St Anthony's division, Eastbourne footways petition

28/02/2018 - St Anthony's ward petition (Item 5 on the agenda)

36.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport, together with written comments and photographs submitted by the Lead Petitioner, Andy Johnson. 




36.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED  to advise the petitioners that (1) whilst the footways are considered to generally be in a good state of repair and are not considered dangerous or hazardous for users, East Sussex County Council propose to carry out some targeted maintenance works to areas where localised structural failure has occurred and implement a programme of works to prevent further deterioration; and


(2) concerns or issues regarding weed control within Eastbourne need to be addressed with Eastbourne Borough Council directly, and that no further action will be taken by ESCC regarding this.




36.3     The overall condition of footways in this location, while generally poor, is  currently functional and they do not require any immediate action.  Consideration needs to be given to the fact that these footways are important links between the local roads and give access to properties for deliveries and visitors.


36.4     As a consequence, localised improvement works to repair the areas of early structural failure on Boswell Walk, Shelley Walk and Kipling Walk and the resurfacing of the section of Boswell Walk linking through to The Rising will be included in the 2018/19 or 2019/20 capital maintenance programme, subject to all other priorities and the available budget.