Issue - decisions

Allocation of the 2018/19 Community Match Funding to a number of community led local transport schemes

20/11/2018 - Communities Highway review and allocation of the 2018/19 Community Match Funding

30.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




30.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to: (1) Note the review to the Community Highways initiative set out in the report;

(2)        Agree that £37,500 of match funding should be allocated to three community led transport improvement schemes set out in paragraph 2.3; and

(3)        Approve the Volunteering Guidance Document.




30.3     Community Highways is seen as a positive initiative which provides an option for Parishes to purchase additional items, deliver schemes that are important to them locally and explore different options of meeting the needs of the local community. 


30.4     Following the relaunch in May 2016 a number of changes were made to improve and update the Community Highways offering, particularly in relation to the delivery of the Community Match initiative with the introduction of a feasibility study to assist Parishes and Communities in identifying possible solutions and determining cost estimates.  A review has been undertaken of Community Match to assess the progress over the previous two years, evaluate the feedback and any lessons learnt to improve the offering.


30.5     Although there have been many feasibility studies undertaken, there have only been three applications to take schemes forward through Community Match. As there is sufficient funding available to deliver all the applications, the Cross Party Member Panel agreed that the schemes should be recommended to be taken forward.