23.1 The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Executive
23.2 It was RESOLVED to –
i) note the evidence base on demographics (Appendix 1) and the National and Local Policy and resources outlook (Appendix 2);
ii) review the priority outcomes which form the basis of the Council’s business and financial planning set out in paragraph 2;
iii) agree the revised Medium Term Financial Plan and scenarios as the basis for financial planning (Appendix 3);
iv) agree to the development of the Core Offer set out in paragraph 5;
v) agree to the development of a three year business and financial plan based on the priority outcomes, financial scenarios and the draft Core Offer;
vi) agree to continue to develop activity and financial plans to deliver the cuts needed in each of the next three years to operate within the resources available in each of the three financial scenarios;
vii) continue the work on the communications and lobbying plan based on the Core Offer and the need for sustainable funding for the county;
viii) agree to receive reports on more detailed plans for the next three years in October 2018; and
ix) agree the updated Capital Programme set out in Appendix 4
22.3 The report begins the Council’s Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources process for 2019/20 and beyond. The Core Offer will be developed and costed over the summer. It will form the basis of the Council’s future lobbying work and discussions with residents, businesses and partners about what we can realistically provide and how we can help to create resilience in places where
the Council can no longer step in. More detailed plans will be considered by Cabinet and Scrutiny Committees throughout the autumn in the lead up to our budget setting meeting in February 2019