Issue - decisions

Stoke Recovery Service

27/06/2018 - Stroke Recovery Service

11.1            The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health together with the comments of the People Scrutiny Committee Review Board.


11.2             It was RESOLVED to –

1)    agree to give notice to vary the agreement, withdrawing the Adult Social Care funding but maintaining the contract with Clinical Commissioning Group  funding; and

2)    delegate to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health authority to take all necessary actions to give effect to the implementation of the above recommendations




11.3     The Stroke Recovery Service is held in high regard by people who use the service, their families, carers and professionals in other rehabilitation services.  It is seen as a successful and effective intervention for stroke survivors and their carers in supporting their longer term recovery after a stroke.


11.4     Stroke survivors and carers have expressed concern over the loss of the adult social care funding, have recognised the impact that this will have on the wider system (particularly healthcare) and have identified limited opportunities to access stroke specific support elsewhere. It has also been highlighted, via the consultation, that the proportion of adult social care funding and the total value does not seem proportionate to other proposed savings proposals.


11.5     The consultation and Equality Impact Assessment have identified limited alternatives to service provision. This will have an impact on those stroke survivors and carers who will no longer be able to access the service due to the triage process that will need to be put in place to manage demand over capacity.


11.6     The project lead, Clinical Commissioning Groups and service provider have held constructive discussions about service model options based on a 50% reduction in funding.  The impact of this savings proposal is recognised and the wider health and wellbeing benefits of the services are understood.  However, the overall level of savings requirement means that the Adult Social Care needs to make significant funding reductions and is no longer in a position to fund condition specific services.