14.1 The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health together with the comments of the People Scrutiny Committee Review Board
14.2It was RESOLVED to –
1) agree to the remodelling of Carers Services as set out in the report; and
2) delegate to the Director of Adult Social Care and Health authority to take all necessary actions to give effect to the implementation of the above recommendations.
14.3 It is recognised that Carers Services are strategically relevant as they make a significant contribution to keeping people with care and support needs safe, preventing their needs from escalating and enabling them to remain living in the community.
14.4 The impact of reducing the budget by £422,000 will be significant and is likely to result in a reduction of carer specific support services. Other forms of support are available in the community; for example, targeted at older people, but like-for-like alternative service provision that recognises the specific needs of carers is unlikely to be available.
14.5 The remodelling
of services is in line with the strategic priorities of East Sussex
County Council but will be delivered with less
resource. The Council is no longer in a
position to continue providing or commissioning the same level of
Carers Services. Over time, the reduction in service provision may
increase pressure on other social care services.