Issue - decisions

Land at the Causeway, Lewes

22/10/2018 - Land parcels at the Causeway and North Street, Lewes - surplus declarations

21.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.




21.2     It was RESOLVED to  - (1) declare the parcel of land known as land off Causeway, Lewes surplus to the County Council’s operational requirements;


(2) declare land under the adopted highway at North Street, Lewes, required for the North Street Quarter regeneration scheme, surplus to requirements subject to formal stopping up procedures; 


(3) delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to secure best value for the land  in accordance with s. 123 of the Local Government Act 1972; and


(4)  note that, in securing best value, the County Council consider wider potential benefits arising from the North Street Quarter development.




21.3     Declaring the land parcels surplus to County Council operational requirements enables the County to consider wider investment and economic development opportunities as part of any transfer arrangements.