Issue - decisions

Six-monthly update on progress with implementation of ASCH Reconciling Policy, Performance and Resources decisions made at Cabinet on 26th June 2018

03/12/2018 - Update on the progress of the 2018/19 Adult Social Care and Health savings

13.1     The Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health considered a report on the progress of the 2018/19 Adult Social Care and Health savings agreed by Cabinet on 26 June 2018. All of the savings proposals have been progressed since the decisions made at Cabinet and are projected to be delivered as per the original proposals.


13.2     A further update on the progress of these savings will be delivered in spring 2019, and will provide key performance indicators on the impact of the savings plans on clients and carers.


13.3     It was noted that as part of its overall consideration of the Reconciling Policy Performance and Resources (RPPR) process, that the People Scrutiny Committee would be debating the savings plans at its meeting on 27 November 2018.


13.4     RESOLVED: to note the progress of the 2018/19 savings plans for the Adult Social Care and Health budget.




13.5     It was agreed at Cabinet on 26 June 2018 that an update on the savings plans would be brought to the Lead Member for Adult Social Care and Health on a six monthly basis.  This provides an opportunity to consider progress made on the relevant savings plans. The next report will be considered in spring 2019.