Issue - decisions

Procurement of supply of gas and electricity

20/09/2019 - Procurement of supply of gas and electricity

17.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.




17.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to (1) agree to procure the supply of gas and electricity for Council assets from the Crown Commercial Services Supply of Electricity and Gas Ancillary Services Framework RM6011;


(2)        agree to the recommendation for the supply of renewable electricity as part of these agreements; and


(3)        delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer to take any actions necessary to give effect to or in consequence of recommendations 1 and 2.




17.3     The Council needs to provide a secure and value for money supply of gas and electricity for its assets and properties, including schools. On its own, the Council does not have the appropriate demand and leverage to gain an optimum price and value for this supply and will benefit from partnering with the two other Orbis partners and the Crown Commercial Services, who purchase for a majority of the public sector to achieve this.


17.4     With regard to renewable options, all Corporate Sites and Street Lighting electricity supply will be purchased as 100% renewable and schools are encouraged to follow suit from the start of the new supply arrangements (01 April 2020). The cost of this is largely offset by the cost avoidance achieved from the new basket strategy being adopted.  The cost and benefit of purchasing renewable gas, by reviewing the cost from CCS, will be reassessed on a six monthly basis.