Issue - decisions

Ore Community Library

15/10/2019 - Ore Community Library

20.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




20.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to (1) approve the granting of a full repairing and insuring lease to Ore Community Library Group (OCLG) on a peppercorn rent for a three year period, in order to operate a Community Library in the former Ore Library building; and


(2) delegate authority to the Chief Operating Officer in consultation with the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to agree the terms of the lease.




20.3     Granting a three year peppercorn lease to OCLG to operate a Community Library in the former Ore Library building would represent a potential loss of rental income to the County Council of £18,000 over the three year period.  Granting the lease instead of an immediate sale of the site would also defer a capital receipt of around £130,000.  However, the option would remain for the County Council at the end of the lease period to sell the freehold or to consider an alternative use of the site, including a community asset transfer. It is recommended that both parties fully recognise that beyond three years alternate building provision may be required for the Community Library, with the County Council having no obligation to provide or fund the same and to be able to deal with its asset without compromise or call on funds.


20.4     The Ore Community Library proposal would provide social value to the community in Ore and is judged by the evaluation panel to be viable.  Granting a short-term peppercorn lease is in line with the Cabinet decision of 6 March 2018.