Issue - decisions

Petition for pedestrian crossing - St Helen's Park Road, Hastings

31/03/2021 - Petition for pedestrian crossing - St Helen's Park Road, Hastings

17.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport (Agenda Item 5).




17.2     The following people spoke in support of the petition’s aims:

Scott Quinn (the Lead Petitioner), and Councillor Andy Batsford.    




17.3     The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise the petitioners that (1) a potential pedestrian crossing scheme achieved the benchmark score to be taken forward for detailed appraisal to ascertain if it could be included within the 2020/21 Capital Programme for Transport Improvements.  The Lead Member for Transport and Environment will consider this programme in March 2020; and


(2) depending on the outcome of the Lead Member for Transport and Environment meeting in March 2020 they may wish to consider taking a potential scheme forward through Community Match.




17.4     The request for a pedestrian crossing was previously assessed to determine if it might be a priority for further consideration and did not meet the benchmark score.  Following receipt of the petition, the proposal was reassessed by the Strategic Economic Infrastructure Team. The proposal has now met the benchmark score due to the potential impact that a crossing facility could have to the indicated crash record and has been put forward for Detailed Appraisal.


17.5.    Detailed appraisals are currently being undertaken on the 76 sites that have met the benchmark score for possible inclusion within a future Capital Programme for Transport Improvements. Following completion of these appraisals the scheme will be ranked by their relative priority to identify which should be progressed through design to implementation.  The draft Capital Programme for Transport Improvements for 2020/2021 will be considered for approval at the Lead Member for Transport and Environment meeting in March 2020.