Issue - decisions

To Approve the ESCC Funding Formula for 2020/21.

31/03/2021 - To Approve the ESCC Funding Formula for 2020/21

29.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services seeking approval of the East Sussex County Council School Funding Formula for 2020/21.

29.2     RESOLVED – to approve the proposals in related to the ESCC School Funding Formula for 2020/21:

1)    Primary Phase Proposal: decrease the lump sum by £5,000 to £115,000 and set the Minimum Funding Guarantee rate at 101.84%

2)    Secondary Phase Proposals: Set the Minimum Funding Guarantee rate at 101.84%


29.3     Give the outcomes of the consultation the Lead Member approved the proposals set out in option 2 for both primary and secondary phases with regard to the funding formula for 2020/21.