Issue - decisions

Review of Emotional Health and Wellbeing Support for Children and Young People

26/03/2021 - Sussex Wide Children and Young People's Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service Review

19.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services


19.2     It was RESOLVED to:


1) note and receive the Independently Chaired Report – Foundations for Our Future - at Appendix 1;

              2) note the Concordat Agreement which underpins the partnership commitment to act upon the recommendations – at Appendix 2; and

              3) endorse the recommendations described in the Report.




19.3       The current pathway and service model for emotional health and wellbeing in Sussex would benefit from radical transformation. This is especially the case in relation to specialist mental health services. The findings and recommendations of this review provide the opportunity for the local partners to focus on the improvements and changes that are needed. The report lays the foundations for the future.