Issue - decisions

Petition - safety concerns at Tyes Cross, Sharpthorne

31/03/2021 - Petition - safety concerns at Tyes Cross, Sharpthorne

3.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


3.2       Mr Jonathan Hipkin spoke as a representative of the petitioners, about the petition’s aims.




3.3       The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise the petitioners that (1) a 40mph speed limit on the C2 Plawhatch Lane is not a priority for East Sussex County Council at the present time;


(2) the request for a safety camera does not meet the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership installation criteria; and


(3) East Sussex County Council have previously implemented remedial measures at this junction and have recently carried out maintenance works in the area to improve visibility of the signs and road markings.




3.4       Resources from a road safety review are being targeted at the ‘A’ and ‘B’ roads with a killed and serious injury (KSI) crash rate above the County average.  As Plawhatch Lane is a ‘C’ class road and does not have an identified road safety issue, this would not be a priority for the Council to consider at the present time.  There are very strict criteria for the installation of speed cameras