Issue - decisions

Growth Hub Services

31/03/2021 - Review of East Sussex County Council Growth Hub Provision

6.1       The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




6.2       The Lead Member RESOLVED to (1)  note the integration of Growth Hub services into East Sussex County Council since April 2020 and the key role it has, both in the business support landscape and the delivery of the Economy Recovery Plan (East Sussex Reset); 


(2)        agree the continuing delivery of Growth Hub services by East Sussex County Council (subject to availability of funding) in order to maintain momentum and optimum flexibility to meet the increasing and changing needs; and


(3)        note that funding is still subject to yearly availability from Government, and that reviews are taking place into the future shape and direction of Growth Hubs. 




6.3       The Growth Hub has continued to deliver services seamlessly and develop these further following its transfer to the Economic Development Team at the start of the pandemic.  It has forged new and effective linkages both internally and externally.  Growth Hubs will remain central to efforts to support economic recovery and it is likely that they will be subject to increasing and changing demands as needs also change.  It is therefore imperative that a flexible Growth Hub delivery model is maintained so that it can adapt to rapidly changing circumstances.


6.4       Further to Minute 6.2(3) above, a report will be brought back to Lead Member should either funding cease or reviews mean that decisions need to be taken about the future of the Growth Hub.