Issue - decisions

To Approve the ESCC Funding Formula for 2021/22

31/03/2021 - Update on the East Sussex School Funding Formula for 2021/22

17.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services regarding the East Sussex Funding Formula for 2021/22.


17.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED – to approve option 2 for both primary and secondary phase in relation to the East Sussex School Funding Formula for 2021/22, as set out below:

Introduce the Mobility Factor into the East Sussex Funding Formula and other rates already used in the formula to be uplifted to the revised National Funding Formula rates.




17.3     Given the outcomes of the consultation the Lead Member approved the proposals set out in option 2 for both primary and secondary phases with regard to the funding formula for 2021/22.