Issue - decisions

Proposed re-designation of Special Educational Needs facility at Wallands Community Primary School.

22/07/2021 - Proposed re-designation of Special Educational Needs facility at Wallands Community Primary School.

35.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services seeking approval to publish a statutory notice in respect of a proposal to extend the designation of the specialist facility at Wallands Community Primary School.


35.2     RESOLVED – to

1) Authorise the publication of  a statutory notice in respect of a proposal to extend the designation of the specialist facility at Wallands Community Primary School; and

2) Delegate authority to the Director of Children’s Services to amend the proposal prior to its publication if required.




35.3     The local authority wishes to extend the designation of the specialist facility at Wallands Community Primary School to ensure it can meet the needs of local pupils with Special Educational Needs, reflecting the changes being seen to the type of Special Educational Needs being presented. Feedback from the initial consultation was largely positive, with 11 out of 15 respondents being supportive