Issue - decisions

In year admission arrangements 2021-22- permission to consult

22/07/2021 - In-year admission arrangements 2021-22- permission to consult

33.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services seeking permission to consult with schools on an in-year variation to admission arrangements, to vary in-year arrangements and introduce admissions co-ordination for 2021-22 as required by the Schools Admissions Code 2021.


33.2     RESOLVED – to

1) approve consultation with schools on amendments to in-year admission arrangements as set out in Appendix 1 of the report (this will require an In-Year Variation to be consulted on at the same time)

2) Approve consultation on the introduction of  a co-ordinated scheme of admissions for in-year applications as set out in Appendix 2 of the report.




33.3     Consultation approval is being sought so that East Sussex County Council can meet its consultation requirements for the changes expected by 31 October 2021, as set out in the report.