Issue - decisions

Sexual Health Services re-model consultation

21/09/2021 - Re-procurement of specialist sexual health services

26.1     The Lead Member considered a report seeking approval for the proposed service model changes for the new specialist sexual health service that will launch 1st October 2022.

26.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:

  1. Approve the proposed changes for the new service model for the specialist sexual health service set out in paragraph 2.6 that will launch on 1st October 2022 following a procurement process;
  2. Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health to take all necessary actions to give effect to the implementation of the revised model of delivery;
  3. Note the summary of the Equality Impact Assessment (Appendix 1); and
  4. Note the consultation comments on proposed changes to the new specialist sexual health service model (Appendix 2)


26.3    The proposed changes to the new service model builds on accepted innovations and developments within the specialist sexual health service. This includes the increasing use of online service provision and changes to the way patients access services due to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions. The new service model will increase access for residents in all parts of the county with sufficient mitigation through outreach teams and working with other services to develop clear pathways and a simple service to cater for disadvantaged groups.