Issue - decisions

Safety concerns at the junction of Nursery Lane and A22, Nutley

21/09/2021 - Safety concerns at the junction of Nursery Lane and A22, Nutley

14.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


14.2     Councillor Birgit Smith, a representative of Maresfield Parish Council, spoke on behalf of the petitioners.




14.3     The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise the petitioners that:

(1) The junction has not been identified as a priority for the Road Safety Team and did not meet the benchmark score for consideration of improvements and footway widening as part of the Capital Programme for Transport improvements;


(2) Potential improvements at the site could be considered by the Parish Council requesting a Feasibility Study and using the Community Match Initiative;


(3) The existing junction warning signs on the A22 have lost their reflectivity and will be replaced with new junction warning signs; and


(4) A bollard or parking restrictions at this location would not be appropriate or supported.




14.4     The request does meet the criteria requirements to be investigated further as part of the County Council’s capital programme, which is targeted to those schemes which will be of greatest benefit to local communities.  The installation of a bollard has been previously investigated, and not progressed as it may cause difficulties when manoeuvring into the shop’s parking spaces.