Issue - decisions

Public health funding and KSI work: draft report for Road Safety Joint Scrutiny Board

18/09/2015 - Road Safety Priorities

13.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




13.2     RESOLVED to (1) approve the process of prioritisation relevant to each scheme type; and


(2) approve the Road Safety Team to assess requests for road safety and traffic management interventions on a regular basis and progress the highest priority scheme(s) within the available budgets. 




13.3     The Road Safety Engineering and Local Traffic and Safety Teams receive in excess of 4,000 logged enquiries each year. The vast majority of these enquiries are requesting that some form of intervention is undertaken.  The Road Safety and Local Traffic and Safety Teams are unable to address all concerns that are brought to their attention and so need to prioritise their workload. An approved prioritisation process would provide a consistent approach and ensure an efficient use of the limited resources.


13.4     An approved prioritisation approach would give clarity to members of the public, Town and Parish Councils and Local Members about the scale of the requests received and ensure that priority is given to road safety and the reduction of crashes occurring on our road network.