Issue - decisions

Viridor in East Sussex Community Fund

20/01/2022 - Viridor in East Sussex Community Fund

38.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




38.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to approve the constitution of the Viridor in East Sussex Board, which will assess applications to the Community Fund and award funding, as set out in paragraph 2.4 - 2.9 and appendix 3 of the report.




38.3     Limone is committed to Social Value and, during the procurement process of the processing and disposal of dry mixed recyclables contract, proposed a Community Fund. The value is £15,000 per year for local projects that deliver benefits to the local community. It has taken some time to agree and prepare the administration for the fund. We are in year three of the contract and now have a total fund of £45,000 available to award to successful applicants.


38.4     Since the fund went live and was advertised on 21 September 2021, we have had five applications that are waiting to be assessed by the Board. It is hoped that the Board can be assembled, and a meeting can be organised early in 2022.  In consultation with ESCC, Limone has produced documents that set out the governance and constitution of the Community Fund.