Issue - decisions

Petition - Review of speed limits on the A272 at North Chailey

18/03/2022 - Petition recommending a review of the speed limits and safer crossing solutions on the A272 Station Road between North Chailey and Newick

53.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


53.2     Councillor Matthew Milligan as the local member spoke on behalf of the Lead Petitioner for the petition calling on the County Council to review the speed limits and safer crossing solutions on the A272, North Chailey. He highlighted the impact of recent housing developments on road safety in the area.




53.3       The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise the petitioner that:


(1) An investigation into a lower speed limit on the A272 between North Chailey and Newick is not a priority for the County Council at the present time;


(2) A scheme to introduce safer crossing solutions does not meet the benchmark score for consideration within a future capital programme; and


(3) The petitioners may wish to contact Chailey Parish Council to determine their interest in a Feasibility Study and possible community funded measures through the Community Match scheme.




53.4     The resources that are available for road safety are limited and priority must be given to those locations with a history of personal injury crashes. There have not been any personal injury crashes reported to the Police in the latest available three-year period (01/01/2019 to 31/12/2021) within the extent of the 50mph speed limit on the A272 Station Road.  There have been three slight personal injury crashes within the extent of the 40mph speed limit in the same time period.


53.5     Previous assessments of the ‘A’ and ‘B’ class road network in the County, including the most recent Speed Management Programme, have also not identified the A272 between North Chailey and Newick as being a priority for further investigation.