Issue - decisions

Partnership agreement between the County Council and Department for Work and Pensions to agree shared approaches to addressing unemployment in East Sussex

18/03/2022 - Working together partnership agreement between East Sussex County Council and the Department for Work and Pensions

12.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




12.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) Review and approve the actions proposed in the Department for Work and Pensions – East Sussex County Council partnership agreement titled ‘Working in Partnership Across East Sussex’, appended to the report and;


(2) Approve that the agreement is reviewed annually by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport and amended if required.




12.3     The proposals in the partnership agreement will have a positive impact on the ability of the DWP, ESCC and all SES Stakeholders to address the employment needs of East Sussex residents.  Active participation by DWP in the Skills East Sussex Board, the Skills East Sussex Task Groups and the sharing of labour market information will enable better alignment of provision and a stronger offer for those who are unemployed, which is to be welcomed.