Issue - decisions

London Road, Bexhill Traffic Management and Public Realm proposals – Outcomes of consultations on the Beeching Road and Sackville Road elements

28/02/2022 - London Road, Bexhill Traffic Management Proposals

46.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




46.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) Note the results of the stakeholder and public consultations on the London Road Traffic Management and Public Realm scheme;


(2) Agree that all elements of the London Road Traffic Management and Public Realm scheme except the Town Hall Square options are taken forward to detailed design and construction as part of the Capital Programme for Local Transport Improvements; and


(3) Agree that a recommended way forward on the Town Hall Square options is presented back to the Lead Member following further discussions with Rother District Council, Bexhill Town Council and other stakeholders.




46.3     The London Road corridor scheme forms part of the wider Hastings Bexhill Movement and Access Package and seeks to improve the pedestrian environment, including the public realm, and traffic management in this part of Bexhill. The scheme would be delivered using Local Growth Fund monies, as well as £300,000 Community Infrastructure Levy funding from Rother District Council.


46.4     The results of the public consultation show that there is overall support for the proposed two mini roundabout schemes at the junctions of Beeching Road/London Road and Buckhurst Place/ Sackville Road, which also includes localised widening of the footway under the rail bridge previously introduced as a temporary measure as part of the Tranche 1 Emergency Active Travel Fund measures, as well as the proposals in Terminus Road and the Windsor Road junction. These elements of the London Road scheme will be taken forward to detailed design and construction through the Capital Programme of Local Transport Improvements.


46.5     In light of the mixed response to the two options put forward at consultation for the Town Hall Square element of the scheme, alongside Rother District Council’s wider aspirations for redeveloping the Town Hall campus in Bexhill, further discussions with the District Council, Bexhill Town Council and other stakeholders is required on this element. The concerns raised in the consultation feedback will be presented back to the Lead Member on the preferred way forward for the Town Hall Square in a report later in the year.