Issue - decisions

Petition - request to upgrade pedestrian crossing facilities in Old Town, Eastbourne

18/03/2022 - Petition - request to upgrade pedestrian crossing facilities in Old Town, Eastbourne

54.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


54.2     Councillor John Ungar, the Lead Petitioner for the petition calling on the County Council to upgrade the zebra crossing on Church Street, Eastbourne to a Pelican Crossing and install a pedestrian phase on the traffic lights at the junction with Summerdown Road, Church Street, Victoria Drive and East Dean Road, Eastbourne, spoke to highlight safety concerns at this junction with particular regard to children using the crossing.




54.3     The Lead Member RESOLVED to advise the petitioners that:


(1) The implementation of an upgrade of the existing zebra crossing in Church Street, Eastbourne, to a signalised crossing, is not presently a priority for funding through the County Council’s 2022/23 capital programme for local transport improvements; and


(2) The introduction of pedestrian crossing phases at the Summerdown Road/A259 Church Street/Victoria Drive/East Dean Road signalised crossroads in the Old Town area of Eastbourne is not presently a priority for funding through the County Council’s 2022/23 capital programme for local transport improvements.




54.4     The requests for pedestrian improvements at the Church Street zebra crossing and the Summerdown Road/A259 Church Street/Victoria Drive/A259 East Dean Road signalised crossroads in Eastbourne Old Town have been assessed using the County Council’s scheme prioritisation process for local transport improvements.  Whilst both have been identified as schemes for potential inclusion in the capital programme for local transport improvements through the assessment process, their ranking relative to other schemes within the prioritised list means they have not been considered for inclusion in the 2022/23 programme. Both requests will continue to be retained on record for possible inclusion in a future year’s programme.


54.5     The two scheme requests for pedestrian improvements in Eastbourne Old Town are not presently high priorities for the allocation of County Council funding in the 2022/23 capital programme for local transport improvements.