Issue - decisions

Petition - to consider the road safety issues raised on the A26 Eridge Green

13/06/2022 - Petition to consider Road Safety at Eridge Green (A26)

11.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.


11.2     Mr Ian Holton, the Lead Petitioner for the petition calling on the County Council to consider road safety at Eridge Green, spoke to highlight safety concerns relating to speed of vehicles, pedestrian crossing safety, overhanging vegetation, the existing vehicle activated sign and road safety in the whole of the Eridge Green area.




11.3     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:

(1) Advise the petitioners that a pedestrian crossing on the A26 at Eridge Green is not a priority for East Sussex County Council at the present time;


(2) A reduction of the existing 40mph speed limit on the A26 at Eridge Green is not a priority for East Sussex County Council at the present time;


(3) The implementation of traffic calming on an ‘A’ class road would not be supported by emergency services as this would affect their response times;


(4) Improvements to the junction of Sham Farm Road is not a priority for East Sussex County Council at the present time;


(5) Although not a priority for East Sussex County Council, a request for measures could be put forward via the Parish Council requesting a Feasibility Study and using the Community Match Initiative;


(6) The implementation of Pedestrian warning signs will be assessed against national criteria and guidance; and


(7) East Sussex Highways have been asked to assess the condition of the road markings in the area and make improvements where appropriate.




11.4     A lower speed limit and pedestrian crossing on the A26 Eridge Green does not meet the County Council’s criteria and, therefore, due to limited resources this site would not be a priority to consider above those currently identified for investigation.


11.5     Traffic calming measures has not been identified as a priority for the County Council at the present time and that the measures available for use on a busy A class road are very limited owing to the likelihood of formal objections from statutory consultees to such proposals.


11.6     Due to the crash record at the junction of Sham Farm Road/A26, this site would not be a priority to consider above those currently identified for investigation.


11.7     Rotherfield Parish Council can be approached to  support a Feasibility Study into whether any measures could be considered for part funding through the Community Match initiative.