Issue - decisions

Modern Slavery Statement

19/07/2022 - Modern Slavery Statement

11.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer.

11.2     It was RESOLVED to:  

            1)         agree the East Sussex County Council’s first Modern Slavery Statement;

2)         authorise the Chief Operating Officer to make, if necessary, minor modifications to the Statement Prior to publication.


11.3     Surrey County Council, East Sussex County Council and Brighton & Hove City Council have agreed that the responsibility for implementing approaches to responding to modern slavery in their operations and supply chains will rest with Orbis Procurement - a shared partnership service between the three authorities.

11.4     As this is the Council’s first statement, it demonstrates how we have started responding to modern slavery risks in our operations and supply chains and some of our planned actions. Statutory guidance acknowledges that “Organisations will need to build on what they are doing year on year. Their first statements may show how they are starting to act on the issue and their planned actions to investigate or collaborate with others to effect change.”

11.5     While the Council’s first statement has touched on some of its planned actions, statements are primarily retrospective, focusing on the actions that have already been taken in the last financial year to tackle modern slavery in its organisation and supply chains.  It is not a policy or a strategy document, but rather an annual reporting mechanism.  

11.6     The aim is to have the statement signed and published by 30 September 2022 as required by Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015.