16.1 The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health regarding a funded programme of Move on Support for Ukrainians entering East Sussex under Homes for Ukraine and the Ukraine Family Scheme.
16.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to:
1) approve the allocation of £1,380,325 of the Homes for Ukraine grant to provide a Move On Support Programme as set out in the report, to enable and support planned move on and reduce the risk of homelessness;
2) to note that this work will include strategic alignment of the Homes for Ukraine programme with broader work across housing and social care partners to improve access to affordable housing in a way that promotes fairness and equity, and;
3) delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officer to approve the assurance framework to ensure conditions of grant funding are met
16.3 The Homes for Ukraine (HfU) visa scheme has successfully enabled over 1600 Ukrainian adults and children to apply for visas to live in the UK for up to 3 years, initially with hosts in East Sussex. In order for them to settle successfully in the context of a very restricted supply of affordable housing, support will be needed in order to reduce the risk of homelessness. The HfU grant enables local Councils to put in place support to help Ukrainian families settle in the UK, and it is recommended that approximately £1.3m of this grant is allocated for the HfU Move On Support Programme set out in this paper