Issue - decisions

Agreement for ESCC to be a partner in a Create Growth Programme (Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport/DCMS) partnership bid

20/09/2022 - Create Growth Programme bid

12.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport together with exempt information contained in a later agenda item.




12.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) Approve the proposed Create Growth Programme bid (Appendix 1 of an exempt report detailed in a later agenda item); and


(2) Delegate responsibility to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport for ensuring that the County Council’s roles and responsibilities as a Consortium partner for the Create Growth programme are met.




12.3     The programme meets the East Sussex Cultural Strategy priorities, East Sussex Growth Strategy and East Sussex County Council strategic priorities.


12.4     The programme will support local pre-scale up Creative businesses to grow, increase employment opportunities for residents, make available a proportion of the £7m additional funding to our creative businesses and start to build a South East investment community with an appetite to invest in creative businesses to the benefit of East Sussex businesses and residents.