7.1 The Leader and Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health along with comments from the Health and Social Care Integration Programme (HASCIP).
7.2 The Leader and Lead Member RESOLVED to:
1) Agree the terms of reference for the Sussex Health and Care Assembly (Appendix 2 of the report), setting out the Council’s statutory role in this body;
2) Agree the emerging Sussex-wide strategic priorities in the current draft joint Sussex Health and Care Strategy, as summarised in paragraphs 2.8 – 2.9 in the report, and;
3) Agree the feedback to strengthen the draft Strategy from the perspective of East Sussex Place and population, as summarised in paragraphs 2.14 – 2.18 in the report, and any other feedback as appropriate, prior to it being presented to the Health and Wellbeing Board and Assembly for endorsement and approval respectively in December 2022.
7.3 The current draft Sussex Health and Care Assembly terms of reference and draft Strategy are based on the principles of population and Place first (as set out in Appendix 1 of the report), providing a helpful framework that aligns with and adds value to the existing Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy, and associated plans and activities. This recognises the Council’s lead role and contribution and that, within the Sussex Integrated Care System, Place is key to strategic leadership and implementation of transformation, as well as local commissioning and delivery for population services.
7.4 In keeping with this, the draft Strategy sets out a high level strategic statement of common purpose across Sussex, and the critical areas of focus for the Sussex Health and Care Assembly. This will support the Health and Care Partnerships to lead and coordinate work in the three Places aimed at delivering improved health, reduced health inequalities and integrated care for their populations.
7.5 There are no changes to the Council’s statutory role and responsibilities for services and budgets. The Council will remain responsible for setting the Authority’s priorities and budgets through the Reconciling Policy Performance and Resources (RPPR) process. The approach outlined in the draft Strategy will add value through helping partner organisations focus on the things that can only be achieved well by working together.
7.6 In order to ensure a clear focus on the role of the Health and Wellbeing Board, and the leadership and coordination of the shared Strategy ambitions at Place level in the forthcoming strategy delivery plan, it is suggested that some further summary content is included in the final Strategy. This would briefly describe the work that has already been taken forward by partners in East Sussex on integrated community health and social care driven by our specific population needs, and signal the planned next steps. This would enable the ICS to avoid any potential duplication of effort, so that the Council’s participation in delivering the Strategy can achieve:
• Added value in supporting the Council’s continuing commitment and ambition to deliver the best possible outcomes for local residents:- and;
• The best use of collective public funding in East Sussex, through integrated working with the NHS.