Issue - decisions

East Sussex, Brighton & Hove and the South Downs NPA Waste and Minerals Plan Review

29/09/2023 - East Sussex, Brighton & Hove and the South Downs NPA Waste and Minerals Plan Review

21.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.

21.2       It was RESOLVED to:

1)    agree, subject to the approval of Brighton & Hove City Council and the South Downs National Park Authority, that the Proposed Modifications to the Submission draft of the Waste and Minerals Revised Policies document, and its supporting documents, is published for a representation period of eight weeks.

2)    agree that a revised draft of the Council’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) is published for consultation.


21.3     With the Waste and Minerals Revised Policies document now at the Examination stage, it is clear that the Authorities are at a significantly advanced stage in the preparation of this Plan.  To enable the Examination to be concluded, and a positive outcome to be reached by the Planning Inspectors, some modifications need to be made to the version of the Plan that was originally submitted for Examination.  The Authorities need to give interested parties the opportunity to comment upon these proposed modifications and, should such comments be forthcoming, it will be for the Inspectors to consider these as part of their considerations of the Plan.

21.4     Approval to publish and consult on the proposed modifications will therefore allow the Authorities to progress the Waste and Minerals Revised Policies towards adoption, thereby ensuring an up-to-date Plan exists in which to consider relevant planning applications against.

21.5     Approval to consult on a revised draft of the Statement of Community Involvement will ensure that the County Council is compliant with the relevant legislation concerning this matter.