Issue - decisions

Adult Social Care Strategy

27/06/2023 - Adult Social Care Strategy

6.1       The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health.


6.2       It was RESOLVED to:


1) Note the six priorities in the strategy, which outline what is most important to adults who need care and support in East Sussex, their unpaid carers, and families;


2) Approve the strategic response to the six priorities, as set out in our ‘we will’ statements; and


3) Approve the contents of the strategy publication and the proposal to launch the strategy in June 2023.


6.3       An adult social care strategy poses an opportunity to align local services and support around the needs of local people, the national vision for adult social care and existing plans or strategies linked to East Sussex County Council and the wider health and social care system. The strategy has been developed following an extensive engagement process with both residents and those who work within or alongside adult social care. It provides a set of long-term priorities for adult social care alongside a clear response for how we will help people live well in East Sussex, building on the strengths of local people, services, and community assets.