Issue - decisions

East Sussex County Council Community Match Scheme

25/09/2023 - Proposed minor amendments to the Community Match Initiative

35.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




35.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) Approve the following proposed changes to the Community Match Initiative:


·         to increase the maximum match funding contribution that East Sussex County Council will make to a scheme from £50,000 to £60,000, which will need to be matched by the Parish Council, Town Council or community group;

·         the introduction of a maximum indicative cost estimate for a Community Match scheme and that this is set at £120,000; and

·         the introduction of a new gateway which will enable feedback to be provided within four weeks regarding the viability of proposed locally identified solutions to the traffic or transport issues; and


(2) to note that new guidance and a community match handbook will be issued online at




35.3     The community match initiative remains an important funding route for local communities to progress schemes which are not currently a priority for the County Council. The proposed changes to the management and administration of the initiative will enhance its accessibility and improve the customer experience for applicants.


35.4     The increase to the maximum amount of funding from East Sussex County Council from £50,000 to £60,000 to any one project will help ensure that the identified cost pressures do not act as a barrier to the progress of these smaller scale projects.