Issue - decisions

Strategic Risk Monitoring

11/11/2016 - Strategic Risk Monitoring 2016/17 - Quarter 1

24.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer which provided an update on the current strategic risks faced by the Council, their status and the risk controls or responses.


24.2     The Committee RESOLVED to note the current strategic risks and the risk controls or responses being proposed and implemented by Chief Officers.


03/11/2015 - Strategic Risk Monitoring - Quarter 1 2015/16

26.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer which provided an update to the Committee on current strategic risks faced by the Council, their status and risk controls and responses. 


26.2     The Committee discussed:

  • Risk 7 – Schools, and in particular the deficiency of regulatory powers granted to the local authority, and whether the Council had contacted the Department for Education with concerns about Academy performance in the light of recent reported results;
  • Risk 6 – Local Economic Growth, and the link between Risk 7 and the development of a skilled workforce


26.3     The Committee discussed whether the Broadband project should be considered a strategic risk, in terms of performance and value for money.  A report to the September meeting of the Economy, Transport and Environment Scrutiny Committee about Strategic Infrastructure, including Broadband, was highlighted to the Committee.  


26.4     The Committee discussed a review of the departmental risk registers, to gain an insight into those risks that were considered not to be strategic.  It was considered that individual Scrutiny Committees would be in a better position to assess those risks. 


26.5     RESOLVED to (1) note the current strategic risks and the risk controls/responses being proposed and implemented by Chief Officers;


(2) request a report on the Business Services departmental risk register; and


(3) recommend that the other Scrutiny Committees consider an annual report on the relevant departmental risk registers.