Issue - decisions

Admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools 2025-26

06/02/2024 - Admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools 2025-26

43.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services to determine the admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary controlled schools in East Sussex for 2025-26 and to agree the co-ordinated schemes for admission for the same year as required by the School Admissions Code 2021.




43.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


1) agree the admission arrangements for 2025-26 as set out in appendix 1 of the report (unchanged from 2024-25).


2) agree the Published Admission Numbers (PAN) for the same year, as set out in appendix 2 of the report, including the revised PANs for Chailey School and Mayfield CE Primary School; and


3) agree the co-ordinated schemes of admission as set out in appendices 3, 4 and 5 of the report.




43.3     The School Admissions Code 2021 states that admission authorities must determine their admission arrangements annually.


43.4     The determined admission arrangements for Community and Voluntary Controlled schools in 2025-26 will be published on the Council’s website by 15 March 2024 as required under current legislation. Any objection to these arrangements can be made to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator until 15 May 2024. The final arrangements will be published in the composite prospectus online (and available in hard copy on demand) by 12 September 2024 as required by the Code.