Issue - decisions

Lead Local Flood Authority pre application advice and data provision tariff

18/09/2015 - Pre application charges for drainage advice

17.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.



17.2     RESOLVED to (1) agree the schedule of charges set out in Appendix 1 as the County Council’s tariff for pre-application advice and the provision of data; and


(2) delegate authority to the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport to agree annual reviews of the tariff.




17.3     The County Council as Lead Local Flood Authority is a statutory consultee on major applications having drainage implications; the response is provided free of charge. However, it is appropriate to charge for other actions which are not part of the statutory consultee role, but still contribute to the management of flood risk.  The tariff reflects current hourly rates, makes allowance for costs and does not seek to

place an undue burden on the development industry which is recovering from a protracted down turn.