Issue - decisions

The Ofsted inspection of East Sussex County Council's Children's Services

08/03/2024 - The Ofsted inspection of East Sussex County Council's Children's Services

47.1     The Cabinet considered a report by the Director of Children’s Services.

47.2     It was RESOLVED to:

1) Welcome the findings of the inspection of the work of ESCC for children and young people which was published on 6 February 2024; and


2) Note the action plan which is being developed to address the areas for improvement.


47.3     The Council’s Children’s Services has been judged to be good overall and outstanding for the experiences and progress of children in care. This is a good outcome for the service and for the Council which has made keeping vulnerable people safe, a priority outcome. It is a very welcome recognition of all the hard, determined, and high-quality work we have done since our last inspection, through a time of pandemic, its continuing effects, and cost of living pressures.

47.4     East Sussex has maintained a focus on the key priority outcome of keeping vulnerable people safe and responded well to the impact of the pandemic, increased demand and the challenging financial context for both families and the council.