Issue - decisions

Agreement to extend the Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service contract

07/02/2024 - Agreement to extend the Adult Drug and Alcohol Treatment Service contract

40.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health regarding the extension of the existing contract for adult Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services by the permitted 24 months.




40.2 The Lead Member RESOLVED to approve the extension of the current Drug and Alcohol Recovery Services Contract by the permitted 24 months.




40.3     Invoking the contract extension would maintain consistency of service delivery, resulting in a better service for residents.


40.4     The Service Provider would be contractually required to adhere to all the key principles of the Service which include tailoring the Services to the individual, the Service being flexible in duration and intensity of support and intervention as required and modifying Service delivery to meet emerging need, if required.


40.5     A full recommissioning process would then begin in April 2025, to allow a new contract to commence on 1 April 2026. As part of this recommissioning process, a thorough assessment of all potential service providers capable of delivering community drug and alcohol treatment services in East Sussex will take place via market engagement events between January and April 2025.