Issue - decisions

Capital Programme for Transport Improvements 2024/25

11/03/2024 - Capital Programme for Transport Improvements 2024/25

63.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




63.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:


(1) Agree the programme of local transport improvements for 2024/25 set out in Appendix 1 of the report; and


(2) Agree the allocation of County Council capital funding, development contributions and Local Growth Fund monies towards specific improvements identified in the 2024/25 programme.




63.3     The draft capital programme for local transport improvements 2024/25 represents a balanced programme of improvements which will help deliver not only the objectives of the County Council’s current Local Transport Plan but also contribute to achieving the broader corporate objectives of reducing carbon emissions, supporting economic recovery and growth, and promoting health and wellbeing.


63.4     The funding approved by the County Council, development contributions and Local Growth Fund monies for the Eastbourne South Wealden Walking and Cycling Package, Hastings and Bexhill Movement and Access Package and the Hailsham, Polegate and Eastbourne Movement and Access Corridor identified to support the capital programme for local transport improvements for 2024/25 will be allocated to the respective schemes set out in Appendix 1 of the report.