Issue - decisions

Re-procurement of Specialist Sexual Health Services

06/03/2024 - Re-procurement of Specialist Sexual Health Services

45.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Adult Social Care and Health regarding the proposed actions to secure the ongoing provision of the mandated Specialist Sexual Health Services.

45.2     It was noted that following the publication of the report, references to Regulation 72 of the Public Contract Regulations 2015 in recommendation (1) and section 2.4 of the report are to be removed.


45.3     The Lead Member RESOLVED to:

1) agree to extend the existing contract with the current provider for six months (1 April 2024 to 30 September 2024); and

2) agree the proposed approach as set out at paragraphs 2.5 to 2.9 of the report to contract with a new service provider, from 1 October 2024.


45.4     Public Health are mandated to provide Specialist Sexual Health Services to the residents of East Sussex. The existing contract is due to end on 31 March 2024 but, following an unsuccessful re-tendering process, a new service provider has not yet been identified. In order to maintain service provision, the existing contract needs to be extended with the current service provider for a period of six months.

45.5     After consideration of the options available, it is proposed that the most effective way of securing ongoing provision from 1 October 2024 is through a structured negotiation with a new NHS provider.