Issue - decisions

East Sussex County Council Guidance on Parking at New Developments

11/03/2024 - East Sussex County Council Guidance for Parking at New Developments

65.1     The Lead Member considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport.




65.2     The Lead Member RESOLVED to approve the use of the ‘Guidance for Parking at New Developments’ at Appendix 1 of the report.




65.3     Assessing parking provision for new development is one key aspect of assessing planning applications. The updated document conforms to relevant guidance and reflects current best practice. The updated calculation tool for residential development has been developed based on current ward boundaries and the most up to date East Sussex specific car ownership ward data available to reflect the different characteristics that occur across the County. The calculation tool provides developers and other interested parties a user-friendly method to ascertain the optimum car parking provision for residential development whilst not compromising road safety for all road users.


65.4     The application of the guidance will ensure that the right type and amount of all forms of parking for new development is provided. This will mean that the right balance is struck between meeting parking demand whilst exploiting the potential for sustainable travel and minimising adverse effects on highway safety. The guidance will be kept under review and carefully monitored to ensure that it meets these objectives and remains effective.