Issue - decisions

Governance of the Health and Wellbeing Board

10/11/2017 - Governance of the Health and Wellbeing Board - Report by Chief Executive, East Sussex County Council

5.1       The Board considered a report by the Chief Executive of East Sussex County Council on proposals to amend its terms of reference and to agree what type of issues it should consider at its meetings.

5.2       Cllr Claire Dowling expressed her support for the current system used by the district councils whereby one district councillor represents all three districts as the voting member on the Board for a year at a time.

5.3       Cllr Mike Turner expressed his support for the current system used by the borough councils whereby their voting member on the Board is alternated from meeting to meeting between Eastbourne Borough Council and Hastings Borough Council.

5.4       Cllr Keith Glazier said that he was happy for districts and borough councils to continue to agree amongst themselves how they choose to appoint their two voting members of the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board.

5.5       Cllr Keith Glazier argued – and the Board agreed – that the term “observer with speaking rights” was a more accurate title than “non-board representatives with speaking rights”; observers are technically board members of the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board – albeit without the voting rights of full members – so the term “non-board representative” is inaccurate. 

5.6       RESOLVED: The East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board agreed:

1)    To continue to allow district and borough councils to choose how they nominate their voting member of the East Sussex Health and Wellbeing Board;

2)    To agree to retain the term “observer with speaking rights”; and

3)    To agree the proposals for agenda management set out in paragraph 3 of the report.